"The number of reports published on human rights on the internet in the last year alone is staggering. Who has the time to read them all? The good news is you don’t have to. If you take the time to read one report, make it GISWatch 2011. "
- Matthias C. Kettemann, Co-Chair of the Internet Rights & Principles Coalition/Institute of International Law, University of Graz
"The report brings the discussion on those themes to the local grassroots, policy and government officials who might not have a culture of community input or multistakholderims"
- Hamza Ben Mehrez, iGmena, Tunisia
"Nobody, within its own very busy work, could monitor all topics in all region. GISWatch is the nearest tool to achieve such a goal in the Internet world."
- giacomo mazzone, eurovisioni, italy - GISWatch author