hvale vale

Реальное имя

Member for

13 years 11 months

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Association for Progressive Communications (APC)


Bosnia Herzegovina

What is your relationship to GISWatch?


Author Profile

My name is hvale vale (small letters as per bell hooks), feminist, queer, single mother, street activist, southern Italian by birth and passport, writer of words and poetry. Daughter of elementary school teachers repaying their debt for the family apartment, intellectual by practice and curiosity, self-learner of languages and skills, risk-taker by discovery. 

Currently working remotely at the Association for Progressive Communications holding a cross-programmes position, connecting from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina where I live with my twins. Long ago, inspired by "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", I chose love over power and that’s my practice. Life had important lessons for me, though, of which I keep good and live memory. 

For me, born in southern Italy 50+ years ago with white skin, life had been a path of unlearning, deconstructing and eye opening. Lead by bell hooks and her theory of the margins, I have invested my life to imagine and try feminist governance and operational infrastructures that challenge/hack norms and standards while accepting the risk of walking with and through the contradiction and paradox of legal entities.

My interest and curiosity in life regardless of the specific job or position I have held has been and is about livable systems, distributed models based on relationality, ethics and nurtured leadership.

Through the years I have built a net of friends and colleagues to help me not vanish in roles and performances. Ageing has made me experienced and knowledgeable, welcoming openness. For me, getting rid of perfection, listening, stepping aside while maintaining one’s own voice was/is a life-long path.

Accountability is a reflexive, transformative queer anarchist practice to help me unpack and redefine boundaries, unsettling positionality and projections of the white aged body in which I am “packed”. Intersections I explore, learn about: politics, feminism, power in all its forms and dimensions, proximity and relationality beyond individualism, #feministinternet, rights, sexuality and the transformative power of technology from a poetical perspective and practice.

Things I do and work on: facilitation, visioning and designing of online/remote spaces and places, movement building, storytelling, digital safety, research, advocacy for transformational institutional governance and operations, holding/supporting activists and CSO workers in learning/managing systems and processes and anything that catches up my imagination and pushes me out of my comfort zone and applied skills.