Global Information Society Watch 2017 on National and Regional Internet Governance Forums will be launched in Geneva

Together with a special companion edition: “Internet governance from the edges: NRIs in their own words”

A groundbreaking report analysing National and Regional Internet Governance Forums will be released at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Geneva, Switzerland, on 20 December 2017.

Leveraging community networks to remedy exclusions in internet governance


APC and Pangea


International internet governance spaces such as the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) are relevant for coordinating global actions, but the governance of the internet comes down to the local scope, where discussions and agreements must become specific and practical: about policies and regulation, about societal needs and planning, about priorities and what comes first, about local telecommunication infrastructures, and about governance itself.

A mapping of national and regional IGFs

Authored by


Association for Progressive Communications (APC)

In 2005, during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), the Tunis Agenda 1 established the basis for the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF): “We ask the UN [United Nations] Secretary-General, in an open and inclusive process, to convene, by the second quarter of 2006, a meeting of the new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue – called the Internet Governance Forum.”