"I would say that its highest value is in the global visibility it has and the facts that smaller, remote countries are reported and in this way become visible and part of the global conversations."
- Valentina Pellizzer, one world platform, Bosnia Herzegovina - GISWatch author
"The project is very valuable and provides fantastic insight to the subjects as it tries to get first hand information from the writers from/within the countries in question. I think this way it creates an alternative resource to those that are prepared by Western institutions by going to these countries for few weeks only. Therefore GISWatch provides a much more authentic information."
- Gunes Tavmen, Hun Consulting, Turkey - GISWatch author
"The project has unique value as it provides a global but detailed overview of different key topics. It helps people to get the arguments and diverse/complementary detailed views about topics.
In the long term, some of the topics should be revisited to monitor evolution and update the content to keep it relevant"
- Leandro Navarro, Pangea, Spain - GISWatch author